I've created three educational platform startups, where I was the brains and brawn behind the initial concepts, the human interactions with the platforms, and the brands. The first (City Language Exchange, Inc.) was acquired in 2010, and the second (Type 1 Media, Inc.) was acquired in 2015. The most recent (TREES) is currently in use at several post-secondary institutions.
I was also a Senior Writer—then promoted to Platform Evangelist due to measurable successes—at MINDBODY, a wellness platform company with a recent $2 billion exit. The original MINDBODY founder invested in one of my subsequent ventures and we're currently launching a podcast.
These successes in behavior change via technology are built on my PhD research, which allowed me to discover how messages change thoughts and behaviors. My TEDx Talk on that research was an International Editor’s Pick.
Following my PhD, I was invited to run a digital revamp of Hollywood Story guru Robert McKee’s seminar company. I’ve given keynotes and talks five countries, performed invited presentations to world-class agencies, and taught undergraduate and graduate classes about psychology and story.
I'm highly open and creative—I love fresh ideas—but I've learned to be laser focused on how they connect to reality. I'm the first to propose a solution, but I'm also the one who asks the uncomfortable questions: "What does the user want? How do we know? Does this story work? How do we know? What will it look like if this is vs. isn't working?"